Church, Alonzo

Church, Alonzo
● /t(ch)*rt(ch)/ np. ►PERS (14/06/1903 - 11/08/1995). Mathématicien ayant énoncé sa thèse en 1936 à Princeton. La thèse de Church affirme que toute fonction calculable peut l'être avec un ensemble réduit d'instructions. C'est une affirmation philosophique indémontrable qui est la base de toute l'algorithmique... Les travaux de Church ont eu un impact d'importance dans les domaines de l'informatique théorique, de la logique et de la théorie de la récursivité. Il a créé le lamba-calcul dans les années 1930. Voir Turing, Alan Mathison.

Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone. 2013.

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  • Church, Alonzo — born June 14, 1903, Washington, D.C., U.S. died Aug. 11, 1995, Hudson, Ohio U.S. mathematician. He earned a Ph.D. from Princeton University. His contributions to number theory and the theories of algorithms and computability laid the foundations… …   Universalium

  • Church, Alonzo — (14 jun. 1903, Washington, D.C., EE.UU.–11 ago. 1995, Hudson, Ohio). Matemático estadounidense. Obtuvo su Ph.D. en la Universidad de Princeton. Sus aportes a la teoría de los números y a las teorías de algoritmos y computabilidad establecieron… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Church–Turing thesis — Church s thesis redirects here. For the constructive mathematics assertion, see Church s thesis (constructive mathematics). In computability theory, the Church–Turing thesis (also known as the Church–Turing conjecture, Church s thesis, Church s… …   Wikipedia

  • Alonzo S. Church — was the sixth president of the University of Georgia (UGA) in Athens. He served in that capacity from 1829 until his resignation in 1859.Church was born on April 9, 1793 in Brattleboro, Vermont and died on May 18, 1862 in Athens. He was a 1816… …   Wikipedia

  • CHURCH (A.) — CHURCH ALONZO (1903 ) Mathématicien et logicien, philosophe et historien de la logique, Alonzo Church est né à Washington. Professeur de mathématiques à l’université de Princeton, directeur du Journal of Symbolic Logic , il est selon Kneale «le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Alonzo Church — This article is about the mathematician and logician. For the president of the University of Georgia, see Alonzo S. Church. Alonzo Church Alonzo Church (1903–1995) …   Wikipedia

  • Alonzo Church — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Alonzo et Church. Alonzo Church Naissance 14 juin 1903 Washington, D.C., (États Unis) Décès 11 août  …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Church Frege ontology — The Church Frege Ontology is an ontology, a theory of existence. Everything is considered as being in three categories, object (referent, denotation), name, or concept (sense). The ontology was developed by Alonzo Church [ Church, Alonzo. A… …   Wikipedia

  • Church–Kleene ordinal — In mathematics, the Church–Kleene ordinal, , is a large countable ordinal. It is the smallest non recursive ordinal. It is named after Alonzo Church and S. C. Kleene. References Church, Alonzo; Kleene, S. C. (1937), Formal definitions in the… …   Wikipedia

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