
● ►en n. m. ►SECU Le fait d'utiliser un wardialer.

Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone. 2013.

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  • War dialing — or wardialing is a technique of using a modem to automatically scan a list of telephone numbers, usually dialing every number in a local area code to search for unknown computers, BBS systems or fax machines. Hackers use the resulting lists for… …   Wikipedia

  • War dialing — Se conoce como war dialing o demon dialing (en inglés) a una técnica utilizada durante las décadas de los años 1980 y 1990, que consistía en hacer llamadas a una serie de números de teléfono automáticamente con el fin de encontrar módems… …   Wikipedia Español

  • War dialing — Se conoce como war dialing o demon dialing (en inglés) a una técnica utilizada durante las décadas de los años 1980 y 1990, que consistía en hacer llamadas a una serie de números de teléfono automáticamente con el fin de encontrar módems… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • war dialing — n. A computer cracking technique that uses a software program to automatically call thousands of telephone numbers to look for any that have a modem attached. Example Citation: WheelGroup will now try to gain access by avoiding the Internet and… …   New words

  • War dialing — Composeur (logiciel) Pour les articles homonymes, voir composeur. Cet article fait partie de la série Programmes malveillants …   Wikipédia en Français

  • war-dialing — noun a) The practice of having a computer dial large numbers of telephone numbers in search of devices that can be exploited, such as fax machines or modems. b) A similar practice in other address spaces, such as IP addresses …   Wiktionary

  • war driving — n. A computer cracking technique that involves driving through a neighborhood with a wireless enabled notebook computer and mapping houses and businesses that have wireless access points. Also: war driving, wardriving. war driver, wardriver n.… …   New words

  • war texting — pp. Using text messages to break into a remote system such as an automobile or a GPS tracking device. Also: war texting, wartexting. war texter n. Example Citations: Researchers at iSec Partners, a cybersecurity consultancy, have shown how a car… …   New words

  • war chalking — (wohr CHAW.king) n. Using chalk to place a special symbol on a sidewalk or other surface that indicates a nearby wireless network, especially one that offers Internet access. Also: war chalking, warchalking. war chalker n. Example Citation: Mr.… …   New words

  • Demon dialing — In the computer hacking scene of the 1980s, demon dialing was a technique by which a computer is used to repeatedly dial a number (usually to a crowded modem pool) in an attempt to gain access immediately after another user had hung up. The… …   Wikipedia

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