virtual hosting

virtual hosting
● ►en loc. m. ►WEB hébergement de plusieurs hôtes, définis par leur nom réseau, sur une seule machine physique, avec un seul numéro IP.

Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone. 2013.

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  • Virtual hosting — Not to be confused with Virtual private server. Virtual hosting is a method for hosting multiple domain names on a server using a single IP address. This allows one server to share its resources, such as memory and processor cycles, in order to… …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual Hosting — Aus Netzwerksicht existieren zwei grundlegende Varianten des Virtual Hosting zur Virtualisierung internetbasierter Dienste. Der Unterschied liegt in dem Verfahren, das der Server bei einer Anfrage anwendet, um festzustellen, welcher der von ihm… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Virtual Hosting Control System — vhcs (Virtual Hosting Control System) es un panel de control basado en web para controlar: Servidor HTTP (Apache) Servidor de correo electrónico Servidor DNS (Bind 9) Servidor de FTP (proftpd). Actualmente está disponible para sistemas operativos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Virtual server — may refer to:* Microsoft Virtual Server, a virtualization product produced by Microsoft based on Connectix technology. * Virtual private server, a method of server hosting using virtual machines. * Virtual hosting, a method that servers such as… …   Wikipedia

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  • Virtual office — is a term for shared office services, which normally includes business address, mail courier services, phone services, fax services, answering services, web hosting services, and meeting conference facilities. [Holusha, John.… …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual private server — Types of Internet hosting service …   Wikipedia

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