pound sign

pound sign
● ►en loc. m. ►CHAR Version anglaise du nom du fagot, i.e. le caractère "\#". Adrian Chandler me signale: ""Pound sign" signifie "symbole de la livre (sterling)". C'est le caractère £ (ANSI 0163). Étant donné que ce symbole est utile pour les anglais puisqu'il désigne leur monnaie, il figure sur le clavier 'English(UK)'. La touche (SHIFT-3) sur le clavier English(UK) donne le symbole £ ("pound"), tandis que sur le clavier English(US), elle donne le symbole \# ("hash") - d'où la confusion. Le fagot(\# hash sign) figure ailleurs sur le clavier UK". Il a raison, mais les américains utilisent bel et bien le terme pound en lieu et place de hash pour désigner le fagot.

Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone. 2013.

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  • pound sign — pound′ sign n. 1) cvb num a symbol (£) for “pound” or “pounds” as a monetary unit of the United Kingdom 2) cvb a symbol (#) for “pound” or “pounds” as a unit of weight Compare number sign space mark 3) a symbol (#) used for various purposes •… …   From formal English to slang

  • pound sign — n 1.) BrE the ↑symbol (£), used for a pound in British money 2.) AmE the ↑symbol (#), used especially on a telephone British Equivalent: hash …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pound sign — pound ,sign noun count 1. ) AMERICAN the symbol # 2. ) the symbol £ …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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  • pound sign — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms pound sign : singular pound sign plural pound signs 1) the symbol £ 2) American a hash (#) …   English dictionary

  • pound sign — noun a) The symbol £ representing the pound sterling. b) The symbol on a telephone. <!Note: pound sign is not a name for lb, as this is an abbreviation rather than a symbol Syn: hash, hash sign, number sign, octothorpe …   Wiktionary

  • pound sign — 1. a symbol (£) for pound or pounds as a monetary unit of the United Kingdom. 2. a symbol (#) for pound or pounds as a unit of weight or mass: 20# bond paper stock. 3. the symbol (#) used for various purposes. Cf. hash mark, number sign, space… …   Universalium

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