
● ►en n. m. ►JEU►SECU Le fait d'utiliser un mod chip pour trafiquer une console de jeu.

Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone. 2013.

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  • Modding — is a slang expression that is derived from the verb modify . Modding refers to the act of modifying a piece of hardware or software or anything else for that matter, to perform a function not originally conceived or intended by the designer. The… …   Wikipedia

  • modding — |módingue| s. m. [Informática] Atividade que consiste em fazer alterações aos computadores para os personalizar e dar maior desempenho. • Plural: moddings.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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  • Modding — Modifikation, die (v. lat.: modus = Maß, Art, Weise; facere = machen, tun) steht für: Polymorphie (Materialwissenschaft), jede der verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen, in der ein bestimmter Stoff vorkommen kann Allotropie, jede der verschiedenen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Modding — El modding consiste en la modificación estética y/o funcional de cualquier cosa (software incluido). Sin embargo, la palabra modding se suele usar frecuentemente para las modificaciones realizadas a un ordenador o a algo relacionado con él, como… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Modding of Command & Conquer — The Command Conquer series is one of the most modded within the real time strategy genre. The first true modder friendly C C game was , but and its expansion pack had more features to work with.Until , the games could be modded with simply by… …   Wikipedia

  • modding — n. (Computer Slang) expression for the act of changing a piece of software or hardware to do a function that was not designed or authorized by the original manufacturer …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • Case modding — Case modification (commonly referred to as case modding where an individual project is referred to as a case mod) is the modification of a computer chassis (often just referred to as the case), or a video game console chassis. Modifying a… …   Wikipedia

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