
● n. m. péj. ►ARGOT Logiciel de jeu absolument lamentable et complètement nul, mais qui peut coûter quand même plusieurs centaines de francs.

Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone. 2013.

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  • glockenspiel —    (GLOK n shpeel) [German, from Glocke: bell and spielen: to play] A portable musical instrument carried by a player in a marching band, with an array of tuned steel bars in a lyrelike frame, played with a steel rod; it has a bell like sound …   Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

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  • List of Magic: The Gathering characters: G — The fictional multiverse of the Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering trading card game, introduced in 1993, has many characters. This alphabetic list includes characters to which the flavor text on the cards is atributted or who are… …   Wikipedia

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