
● ►en sg. ►SOC "Follow book, book good". Litt. "suit le livre, le livre est bon". Variante de RTFM.

Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone. 2013.

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  • — I ráo (1)  ㄖㄠˊ (2) 郑码: FBBG, U: 6A48, GBK: 98EF (3) 笔画数: 16, 部首: 木, 笔顺编号: 1234121121121135 II náo (1)  ㄋㄠˊ (2) 均见 桡 。 (3) 郑码: FBBG, U: 6A48, GBK: 98EF (4) 笔画数: 16, 部首: 木, 笔顺编号: 1234121121121135 …   International standard chinese characters dictionary

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