● ►en sg. m. ►SOC End-User Licence Agreement. CLUF en français. Licence d'utilisation d'un logiciel. Termes surtout utilisés par Microsoft. Ces licences contiennent généralement quelques clauses abusives, faites-y attention avant de les accepter...

Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone. 2013.

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  • Eula — bezeichnet einen Lizenzvertrag (EULA), siehe Endbenutzer Lizenzvertrag einen Ortsteil der Stadt Berga/Elster, Landkreis Greiz, Thüringen einen Ortsteil der Stadt Borna, Landkreis Leipzig, Sachsen einen Ortsteil der Stadt Nossen, Landkreis Meißen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • EULA — abbrv. End user license agreement. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • EULA — (end user license agreement) agreement between a software application publisher and the end user authorizing the user to use the software if he will agree to the conditions indicated in the license …   English contemporary dictionary

  • eula- — *eula germ., Substantiv: Verweis: s. *aula s. aula ; …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • EULA — Ein Endbenutzer Lizenzvertrag, auch Endbenutzer Lizenzvereinbarung, abgekürzt EULA (von engl. End User License Agreement), ist eine spezielle Lizenzvereinbarung, welche die Benutzung von Software regeln soll. Texte mit einer EULA werden oftmals… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • EULA — Licence de logiciel Une licence de logiciel est un document « par lequel le titulaire des droits du logiciel autorise un tiers à poser des gestes qui autrement les enfreindraient.»[1]. Dans certaines juridictions une telle licence est… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • EULA — galutinio naudotojo licencijos sutartis statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Sutartis, kuria viena šalis ↑licenciaras suteikia teisę kitai šaliai ↑licenciatui – ↑galutiniam programos naudotojui naudoti programą laikantis toje sutartyje… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • Eula, Texas — Eula is an unincorporated community in Callahan County, Texas, United States.GeographyEula is located at 32°20 32 North, 99°32 42 West (32.3423509, 99.5617473)GR|1.DemographicsAs of the censusGR|2 of 1990, there were 125 people in the community.… …   Wikipedia

  • Eula Beal — (born January 25 1919 in Riverside, California died July 29 2008 in Napa, California) was an American contralto. She was best known for her starring role in the 1947 movie, Concert Magic opposite Yehudi Menuhin where she sang music from several… …   Wikipedia

  • Eula Independent School District — is a public school district located in northwestern Callahan County, Texas (USA). A small portion of the district extends into eastern Taylor County.External links* [ Eula ISD] …   Wikipedia

  • Eula Bingham — is an American scientist who is best known as an Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health during the Carter Administration. President Jimmy Carter appointed her and she served through his administration, between 1977 1981.… …   Wikipedia

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