BOINC — Тип Распределённые вычисления Разработчик … Википедия
BOINC — Der BOINC Client für Linux … Deutsch Wikipedia
Boinc — Der BOINC Client für Linux … Deutsch Wikipedia
BOINC — Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing … Wikipédia en Français
BOINC client-server technology — refers to the model under which BOINC works. The BOINC framework consists of two layers which operate under the client server architecture. Once the BOINC software is installed in a machine, the server starts sending tasks to the client. The… … Wikipedia
BOINC Account Manager — BOINC Тип Распределённые вычисления Разра … Википедия
BOINC Account Manager — Logo de BOINC Account Manager Type de site Calcul distribué État actuel En activité … Wikipédia en Français
Boinc Accounts Manager — BOINC Account Manager Logo de BOINC Account Manager Type de site Calcul distribué État actuel En activité … Wikipédia en Français
BOINC Credit System — Within the BOINC platform for volunteer computing, the BOINC Credit System helps volunteers keep track of how much CPU time they have donated to various distributed computing projects. The credit system is designed to avoid cheating by validating … Wikipedia
BOINC Account Manager — A BOINC Account Manager is a website that manages multiple BOINC project accounts across multiple computers (CPUs) and operating systems. Account managers were designed for people who are new to BOINC or have several computers participating in… … Wikipedia