
● ►en sg. m. ● 1. ►BASDON Binary Large OBject. Littéralement "grand objet binaire". C'est en général un une image ou une séquence sonore sans grande structure interne, qu'on trouve fréquemment dans une base de données. La taille d'un Blob peut aller jusqu'à plusieurs Go, mais il n'est normalement pas traité directement par la BD (elle fait appel à un programme externe). ● 2. ►GRAPH Objet tridimensionnel utilisé en imagerie de synthèse et obtenu par la déformation mutuelle de sphère s'attirant ou se repoussant. En fait, c'est complètement impossible à décrire, et même à imaginer quand on cherche à en créer un. Un blob - Source: POV.

Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone. 2013.

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  • Blob — usually means a soft amorphous mass, and may refer to:* Binary large object (BLOB), in computer database systems * Metaballs, in computer graphics terms, are organic looking n dimensional objects * Blob (comics), a Marvel Comics supervillain,… …   Wikipedia

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  • BLOB — steht für: Blob Architektur, Nicht Standard Architektur oder Freiform Architektur mithilfe von Entwurfssoftware Blob, Schrecken ohne Namen, US amerikanischer Science Fiction Horrorfilm von Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr. Der Blob, US amerikanisches Remake… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • blob — [ blab ] noun count 1. ) a small amount of a thick liquid: She applied the paint blob by blob. blob of: Nick squirted a blob of ketchup on his hamburger. 2. ) something that seems to have no definite shape: The airplane looked like a tiny white… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • blob — [blɔb US bla:b] n [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: Probably from blob bubble (16 19 centuries), perhaps from the sound made by the lips when producing a bubble] 1.) a very small round mass of a liquid or sticky substance blob of ▪ a blob of honey 2.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • blob — /blob/, n., v., blobbed, blobbing. n. 1. a globule of liquid; bubble. 2. a small lump, drop, splotch, or daub: A blob of paint marred the surface. 3. an object, esp. a large one, having no distinct shape or definition: a blob on the horizon. 4. a …   Universalium

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  • blob — [bläb] n. [see BLEB] 1. a drop or small lump of a thick, viscous substance [a blob of jelly] 2. a small spot or splash of color 3. something of vague or indefinite form [a hazy blob on the horizon] vt. blobbed, blobbing …   English World dictionary

  • Blob — (bl[o^]b), n. [See {Bleb}.] 1. Something blunt and round; a small drop or lump of something viscid or thick; a drop; a bubble; a blister. Wright. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) A small fresh water fish ({Uranidea Richardsoni}); the miller s thumb.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blob — blòb s.m.inv. CO trasmissione televisiva che mescola satiricamente spezzoni di varia provenienza | estens., notizia confusa, mescolanza di discorsi eterogenei {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: dall ingl. (The) blob, titolo di un film dell… …   Dizionario italiano

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