
● ►en adj. ►INTERNET C'est en fait le nom d'utilisateur de quelqu'un qui se connecte sur un serveur FTP alors qu'il n'a pas de compte personnel sur la machine, par l'intermédiaire de l'Internet. En pratique, on parle de "ftp anonymous" (ou "ftp anonyme" en français). Et comme mot de passe on doit utiliser son adresse email, selon la netiquette (pour permettre aux administrateurs de site de faire des statistiques sur les visiteurs qui viennent. Ils peuvent par la suite mettre en place des miroirs judicieusement disposés à la surface de la planète. Ça c'est la théorie, en pratique, on ne doit jamais donner son adresse sauf à ses correspondants directs).

Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone. 2013.

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  • Anonymous — may refer to:*Anonymity, a person whose name and other personally identifiable information is not known. **Anonymous work, art or literature, that have an anonymous, undisclosed, or unknown creator or author. *Anonymous (group), the collective… …   Wikipedia

  • Anonymous IV — is the designation given to the writer of an important treatise of medieval music theory. [Richard Taruskin, in the Oxford History of Western Music has insisted that the designation apply only to the treatise and not to the author. However,… …   Wikipedia

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  • Anonymous 4 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Anonymous 4 Información personal Origen Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Anonymous 4 — is a female a cappella quartet, based in New York City. Their main performance genre is medieval music, although they have also premiered works by living composers such as John Tavener and Steve Reich. The group currently comprises Marsha… …   Wikipedia

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  • anonymous — • She sits in an anonymous hotel lobby in central London having fled Russia to seek political asylum in Britain Independent, 2007. Anonymous is so widely used in its extended meaning ‘having no distinguishing or remarkable features’, making it a… …   Modern English usage

  • Anonymous — A*non y*mous, a. [Gr. ? without name; an priv. + ?, Eol. for ? name. See {Name}.] Nameless; of unknown name; also, of unknown or unavowed authorship; as, an anonymous benefactor; an anonymous pamphlet or letter. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anonymous — I adjective authorless, bearing no name, having no acknowledged name, incognito, innominate, nameless, of unknown authorship, secret, sine nomine, unacknowledged, unclaimed, undesignated, unidentified, unknown, unnamed, unsigned, unspecified,… …   Law dictionary

  • anonymous — (adj.) c.1600, from L.L. anonymus, from Gk. anonymos without a name, from an without (see AN (Cf. an ) (1)) + onyma, Æolic dialectal form of onoma name (see NAME (Cf. name)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • anonymous — [adj] unknown, usually by choice bearding*, incognito, innominate, Jane/John Doe*, nameless, pseudo, pseudonymous, secret, so and so*, such and such*, unacknowledged, unattested, unavowed, unclaimed, uncredited, undesignated, undisclosed,… …   New thesaurus

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